I dont know what happen to me. Rasa terus nak join the competition since the thesis was submitted and I'm free. Malas nak fikir pasal paper for a while since baru sudah writting a paper. So I need something yang macam I buat I seronok.
Then I joined 3MT Competition about two weeks ago. I heard that it was first in Malaysia. Participants were given 3 minutes to talk about their thesis. In general, tak payah nak in details semua. So the participants were PhD students who submitted their thesis and waiting for VIVA. Hmmm talking about the VIVA, semua orang cakap at least tunggu for 3 months. So what I am going to do now? A housewife? Macam best juga. Kan?
Hadiah dia biasa saje, tak ada lah banyak mana. Tapi experience tu penting sangat. Since free rasa nak occupy dengan benda yang berfaedah except online shopping saje kan....
The organizer told us to prepare based on creativity. So I pun pung pang pung pang tengok you tube segala. Memang target tak ada lah tinggi mana cuma nak lepas Heat 1 sahaja. Baru lah rasa, research dikenali sikit kan. The Heat 1 went very well. Macam-macam hal. Ada yang terlebih masa, obviously disqualified. Ada yang gugup. Memang macam masuk contest menyanyi plak. Lepas bercakap, the judges terus angkat kad either green or red.
Research orang lain memang outstanding ok. Siap medical term semua, engineering smua. But for me, I make it simple. 3minutes mana nak sempat bercakap pasal data and result, bagi key point saja dah cukup. That day, self confidence memang rendah. MC panggil, I bagi talk and terus say thanks, tak nak pandang judges angkat kad apa.
Duduk terus tengok turn orang. Ada yang best. Tapi kalau bagi term hebat sangat, memang orang tak akan paham since penonton comes from various field. I ada suka satu talk pasal bakteria, dia sebut bad and good bakteria. Haaa sudah, kan senang orang paham instead of Xurtueorryyyfrddh. Lagi mudah paham.
3 days later, I received mail which is stated that I'm selected for final. Bercakap depan Vice Chancellor Uni plak. Itu amat menakutkan saya. Wish me all the best!
fuiyooo mama interestingnyeee! macam myphd comic yang suruh kita cakap pasal research kita dalam masa 2 minit.. i think its a very good approach, sbab usually people would ask us about our research. jadi 3 minutes untuk compile semua memang mencabarnya! and congrates to you mama. agree with you, words must be simple for all of us to understand. teringin nak join kalau ukm buat.. if ukm buat..hehe..
mula2 nak buat teks, agak confuse lah. Iyalah dari 250pgs nak berckp 3mins, tak tau mana yg penting. Finally, aku ambil point saja and highlight interest of the study. 3MT Competition ni, universiy of queenlands yg start dulu. Benda ni dah lama in New Zealand. Byk kat you tube. In Msia, still benda baru lagi lah.
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